Monday, 21 May 2012

Japanese solar eclipse!

While out walking yesterday, we got talking to an American tour guide (where was she from? Alaska. Bum-tish). She asked of we were here to see the eclipse. "What eclipse?" we said.

It turns out that by pure fluke, we've found ourselves right in the middle of the Japanese solar eclipse. Despite the weather forecast predicting blanket cloud cover, they parted on cue at about 7am. With the help of sunglasses and some convenient clouds we managed to get these shots.

It wasn't quite a total eclipse. It was an annular eclipse. Sometimes the giant-alien-spaceship death-star moon just isn't quite big enough...

Still, quite a sight. Just hope my retinas grow back soon.


1 comment:

  1. Hey guys, Can't believe that's your three weeks in Japan up. Loved your photos of mt fuji! Hope you had a fab birthday Karen. Don't worry, the boat will be fine. Just stock up on japanese pot noodles and avoid the Chinese porridge! Oh and make sure that last bath is a good'un! Looking forward to the next photies but am v. Jealous! Good blogging Hoskin!
